

The International Congress on Sustainable Development

Insights From MENA region (ICSD'24)

28-29 September 2024, Kenitra, Morocco

The International Congress on Sustainable Development (ICSD'24) provides a forum for academia, government, civil society, UN agencies, and the private sector to come together to share practical solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa and Arab region.

ICSD24 aims to discuss, promote, and publish scientific research results. ICSD24 welcomes submissions of original research from a wide range of academic disciplines within the social sciences, humanities, and sciences. The ICSD24 program includes lectures from our invited keynote speakers, workshops, and oral sessions.The call for contribution comprehends full papers.

Moroccan Association for Applied Science and Innovation, in collaboration with the Ibn Tofail University, will hold the Annual International Congress on Sustainable Development (ICSD'24) on 28-29 September, 2024.

The congress includes parallel sessions and workshops for PhD students.

Topics : 

  • Energy and Sustainable Development
  • Engineering and Sustainable Development
  • Computer science and Sustainable Development
  • Health and Sustainable Development
  • Natural ressources and Sustainable Development
  • Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development
  • Built Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Social issues and Sustainable Development
  • Economy and Sustainable Development
  • Management, Innovation and Sustainable Development
  • Humanities and Sustainable Development

Important dates 

  • Paper submission deadline : 1st Jun 2024
  • Acceptance announcement: 1st July 2024
  • Final Registration deadline: 6th September 2024
  • Conference Days : 28th-29th September 2024

Previous editions : 

Publication : 

All accepted and presented papers (7-12 pages) will be published with International Publisher.

Download Template here 

Papers' Submission and Instructions :

1- The congress will check plagiarism for all the articles before prior publication. If the plagiarism content is observed by scientific committee, peer reviewers or by staff members at any stage of publication process, at the time of editing or proof reading will be informed to author to rewrite the manuscript.

2- In any case if the submitted original manuscript is more than 15% plagiarized then the article will be rejected and the same will be notified to author.

3- Paper content (unpublished work) must be original and relevant to one of the many conference topics

4- The acceptance decisions will take into account paper novelty, technical depth, elegance, practical and theoretic impact

5- Each paper will be reviewed by three PC members .

6- The acceptance decisions will take into account the originality, practical & theoretical impact, and the paper presentation.

7- All submissions should be written in English.

8- Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered

9- All papers should be submitted through event web site

10-Changes cannot be made during the review process. If accepted, minor revisions may be made prior to final submission.

Peer reveiw : 

ICSD has a strong peer review process for all the submitted manuscripts. There is a double-blinded peer review (regarding the stage of the workflow process), to ensure an independent and transparent process between authors and reviewers.

ICSD uses iThenticate to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Turnitin software checks content against a database of periodicals, the Internet, and a comprehensive article database. In any case if the submitted original manuscript is more than 15% plagiarized then the article will be rejected and the same will be notified to author.

ICSD Grammarly to check the manuscripts for Grammar, any manuscript with a high rate of grammar imperfection will be not taken into consideration.

Registration : 

  • Phd Student : 1800 DH (180 Euro)
  • Researcher : 2000 DH (200 Euro)

Bank information :
Bank Account :Association MAASI
RIB : 011 330 0000142000001836 32
Bank : BMCE Bank of Africa

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